InCustody is the product of 15 years experience of attending various police stations across the country.
Every detail has derived from these experiences gained. This is a system designed from the perspective of the instructing Solicitors & Agents attending the police station.
The fully automated system is easy to use as well as being seamless in its effort.
Our aim is to provide professional legal advice for your clients. Our agents have been vetted & are trusted and valued members of our progressive team.
The system is run via a website application so no matter the time of day or the day of the year you will always be able to find an Agent to represent your client.
At InCustody we pride ourselves on a 24 hour turn around for instructing Solicitors to receive our Agents report.
Agents are instructed to complete all Legal Aid forms & ensure they are signed where applicable.
InCustody have a 24hr support system for peace of mind. Tel:02036636331 or email:
InCustody believes that once you try this system you will come to love it as we do.